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You can use our flight search options to look for all available flights and flight tickets on any selected route and for any date. The search tool here aggregates data from over 800 airlines and low cost carriers, along with airfares made available through various booking websites. This way you can find with the tap of a button all flights available and flight rates, presented in a single page along with various filters, making it easy to find the exact type of flight matching any travel necessities.
There is an important difference between a airfare aggregator and a flight booking engine. While both flight search options may seem to return flights for selected routes and dates, a fine line puts aggregator services ahead. The distinction between the two is that a flight booking engine acts like a travel agency, having partnership deals to offer tickets from selected airliners against a booking fee. On the other hand, a flight fare aggregator operates more like a search engine, connecting to airlines, travel agencies and flight booking engines to find all available flight offers and fares.
Compared to booking engines, fare aggregators offer a broader search, listing flights and airfares from many more websites, at no extra charge. This results in more flight options and various airfare deals listed in one place, making it easier for users to find a cheap flight ticket online.
Using our system to search for flight tickets brings many advantages. Firstly, the wide search offers a broad range of results, with availability and airfares from airlines directly and from travel agencies that, from time to time, may have reserved tickets and special discounts, or even chartered flights.
Another advantage is that our aggregator lists all airfares with fees included when available, no matter the source, making it easier for the price filtering to return the best rates possible.
Furthermore, the flight filters in place allow users to quickly identify the best flights for themselves, by filtering not only by price, but also by airline, duration of flight, layovers, departure time or even airports.
Least, but not last, our flight ticket system searches and compares airfares from a multitude of airlines, travel agencies and flight booking engines at the touch of a button, saving you hours of searching on individual websites and comparing prices.
Reserving your flight tickets is easier than you think. After searching for flights using our airfare aggregator, each result is returned with details about the flight and an online flight ticket booking option. The reservation procedure takes you in one click to the airline or travel agency website, where the flight selected should be already in the shopping cart. From this stage, is similar to any online shopping experience, where the user submits personal details with the operator and completes the payment online.
Collecting your Flight Tickets: when it comes to flight tickets booked online, users will not have to go to any agency to collect their paper tickets. On a case by case basis, flight tickets will either be emailed to you (in which case you will need to print them out), get a mobile flight ticket (to be downloaded in your smartphone Wallet app) or a reservation code which can be used on the airline website to make the check-in several days before the flight. For the booking code option, the ticket may still need to be printed out/downloaded as in the previous two options after the check-in was completed successfully.
Flight delays and cancellations are unfortunately a fact and even if they occur in a limited number of situations, these can create discomfort. Whether you have a travel insurance or not, getting compensation for canceled/delayed flights is an option in many cases. You can check the qualification criteria on a cases-by-case basis (time delayed, type of flight and flight route) to see whether you can claim a compensation – and if this true for you, follow the instructions to fill in your claim and wait for the bank check.
When traveling from or to an airport, there are plenty of options to choose from. The public transport is many times the cheapest option, but for better time management and convenience, taxis or private airport transfers are increasing in popularity. Airport transfers bring a series of advantages like the selection of the car (from regular car to limousine or bus for larger groups/family) or the fact that the driver will wait for you at the airport terminal. If you fancy driving on your own or need a car in the city you are traveling to, airport car rentals are also something to consider.
Searching and booking your flight ticket is one leg of your travel journey: you may also need hotel bookings or search for car rentals.